Docker is consuming your hard disk?

If you’re a heavy user of docker you’ll for sure have a lot of trash in your /var/lib/docker

Check for your self:

sudo du -sh /var/lib/docker

To clean it, follow these simple steps (DISCLAIMER, This will stop and remove all the current containers):

  1. Remove the containers (and stopped too)
docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm -f
  1. Remove all downloaded and build images
docker image ls -q |  xargs docker image rm -f
  1. Remove all volumes
docker volume ls -q | xargs docker volume rm -f

A simple tutorial of JQ

Show how JQ could be used to query a JSON with a lot of possibilities. For these examples I am using the output derived from a openQA API query.

openqa-cli api --host /jobs limit=5000 result="failed" latest=1 >output.failed.json

To know more about API query, please visit Cris’ tutorial

JQ is huge, so I am only explaining some useful examples derived from some tickets when I was working in openQA and tools team at SUSE. To know more about JQ please visit

howto  tutorial  jq  bash 

Easy way to use React in a single page

On 20 of January of 2021 I prepared a workshop for my team colleges at SUSE about React JS. The objective was to introduce React JS and how to use this in single page webs. We were NOT using in these examples node JS but a simple HTML that any browser could open and execute.

For thas workshop I prepared a presentation and some examples